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BUSY DAY I had this idea to create some sort of comic and graphic poses to describe a girl in a rush. I also


HUMAN STAGES Burn Out – a very common human stage Inspiration – a human stage we wish to be 24/7 Creative Block – a


BLOOM COFFEE BOX Client: BLOOM Recently I teamed up with founders Julio Navarro and Gustavo Fernandez to create a collaboration using this style of

NUDOS: a collective of bodies

I started sketching bodies as some sort of knots (nudos). Those sketches then led to me using acrylics to create the initial bold shapes of

Masters of Anatomy 1

MASTERS OF ANATOMY 1 Year: 2013Position: Character Designer Masters of Anatomy 1 is a book full of amazing artists from this industry. The task

21 Draw 2015

21 DRAW 2015 Year: 2015Position: Contributing ArtistPublisher: 21 Draw I was very lucky to be part of the 21-DRAW book full of amazing artist that

Fundamentals of Character Design

FUNDAMENTALS OF CHARACTER DESIGN Year: 2021Position: Contributing ArtistPublisher: CDQ Extensive tutorial on how to design a character from a brief and adapt it to different

Character Design Quarterly 04

CHARACTER DESIGN QUARTERLY Year: 2018Issue: 04Position: Contributing ArtistPublisher: 3dtotal Featured article on ‘Build your design career’. You can get a copy of this issue

Character Design Quarterly 06

CHARACTER DESIGN QUARTERLY Year: 2018Issue: 06Position: Contributing ArtistPublisher: 3dtodal Featured article giving tips on transforming a human character into an animal. You can get

Creating Stylized Characters

CREATING STYLIZED CHARACTERS Year: 2018Position: Contributing ArtistPublisher: 3dtotal Extensive tutorial on how to design a character from a brief and adapt it to different
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